What are you afraid of? Is it a lack of something? Lack of money? Lack of Freedom? Lack of health?… Is it a fear of doing something? Speaking? Failing? Showing up as your true self? What if fear is just the ego’s way of trying to protect us? “This is not what we asked for,” says ego. “We are not prepared for this - it’s out of our norm - it’s shockingly different - so it must be scary and you better fight or run or hide!” There is another way to look at this. We are all Divine Creators creating our life experience with every thought - every word - every action or inaction. There is a reason we created what we are now experiencing. We either 1) thought so much about what we didn’t want that we gave it energy and it appeared or 2) didn’t give near enough attention to what we did want so we never matched it’s vibration and we didn’t call lit in. In either case that can put us in a state of Fear - and fear is simply a belief that we don’t have power to create something different. Let’s banish that belief right now! Remember, a belief is only a thought you keep thinking. Change the thought and you change the belief. Fear: My body is failing me. New Belief: My body is so amazing and is right now regenerating in perfect health. Fear: I will be ridiculed, I will fail if I let people really see me. New Belief: I have so much to share and there are people who need and will honor me when I show up. Fear: I have no power. I can’t be free. New Belief: I am more powerful than anything that tries to deny my freedom. I am supported by the entire Universe, God, the Earth… and I am excited to move forward solving problems, removing obstacles and creating a new, fun way of being in this world. There is so much to say about fear; however, the final and, I feel, most important thing is that you remember you are always more powerful than the thing you fear. “Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear.” — Tony Robbins With love and light ~ Mary
What if I told you that your only purpose is to be happy all the time? Would you believe me? Would you think I was crazy? Delusional? Completely unrealistic? So many come to me asking “what is my purpose?” I ask them “What makes you happy?” We have been so brain washed by ancestral beliefs telling us that life should be hard. Telling us that the only way to be ‘good’ is to prove how much you have suffered. Hogwash! You are a brilliant, beautiful, creative spark of God-force energy in your human body. You came here to play – to shake things up – to light things up and to be happy doing it. The truth is that only when you are happy are you in complete alignment with Source, with your highest self and with the Universe. Of course, challenges are going to come your way. You would be so bored if they didn’t. You would have no reason to use your brilliant mind if there were no challenges. It is part of the game you came to play. Each challenge is one more puzzle to solve – one more mystery to unravel. Could you look at it with interest – even with a bit of excitement? “I wonder what fabulous solution I can create for this problem?” Maybe you will meet new people along the way that you would not have met before. Maybe you will discover new places, new adventures… The truth is you always have choice. No one can take that from you. You get to decide how you want to feel in every single moment. I know it’s not always easy. Again – that would be boring. Remember that you are never alone, and you are more powerful and resourceful than you might imagine. Anything is possible Is the world feeling out of control - too much to handle? Is it hard to get out of bed and face another day? My work and my joy is to help you feel like a burden has been lifted - like life is easier, more fun. I want you to feel like each day is better than the day before and life is worth living. Everyone is unique so I look at the whole picture of your beautiful body and spirit. If the body is burdened with toxins and dis-ease, that’s a good place to start. No one feels like skipping through life when their body is hurting or exhausted. I work with several physical products to make detoxing quick and easy. The product below is a great place to start. Quick version here: https://vimeo.com/821126757 [Want all the science? Then this is for you. ] [Dr. Hyman talking about metals. https://youtu.be/ggz3aiW-e0I?si=u4X3qTYH8g25dtO5] (note- chelation is old science. There is a better way) Then we look at the spirit - the emotional burden you might not even be aware you are carrying. We know that the subconscious is where the majority of emotions and beliefs are stored. We also know that our subconscious is pretty much in charge of all our decisions and actions. I bet you thought you were consciously making every decision. You are, but your subconscious is dictating the choice possibilities. Your life experiences from birth, and even before that, as well as ancestral fears and beliefs that have been handed down on the DNA are all buried in the subconscious and pretty much running your life. I can help you quickly identify these buried energies and clear them out. We replace them with definitions of who you really are - powerful, joyful, brilliant …… It’s so much fun to see my clients rediscover their amazingness. (real word!) When you are ready to be everything you came here to be, I’m ready to help. Love and light, Mary If you are a combat veteran experiencing PTSD, flashbacks, sleepless nights or other lingering effects, first of all - my heart goes out to you. You have my gratitude for your service and compassion for your sacrifice. This is a place where you will be seen for who you are. I help you remember your power, your gifts, your purpose and your joy. The energy work can create change quickly, but sometimes we need something more tangible - something that is easier to believe in. That is why I work with many modalities and several products to promote healing. One of these products is the Redox Signaling Molecules. Please watch Army Ranger Shawn Burke’s story here. https://vimeo.com/996517186 The Redox Molecules are just one of several ways I can help you return to the brilliant being you came here to be. Please know there is hope for a better life. Whether your trauma comes from war or abuse or something else, there is a way through to more peace. Start with a conversation, and let’s see if this work is right for you. Schedule your Free Discovery Call today. With love and light Mary As this school year starts up again, there is one more thing to be aware of. Unless your children are in a fairly new building, there may be older lead-based pipes supplying the drinking water. This is what some of the most recent findings have shown:
First - find out if your school district tests the drinking water for lead, arsenic and other toxins. Second - be proactive and help your children easily and safely get rid on any toxins they may have ingested over the year. Cell Defender is tasteless with no side effect, and is safe enough for newborns. Use 3-10 drops (depending on the child's age) before school, after school and before bed. It can be dropped right on the tongue or mixed with water or juice. See how Cell Defender works here. We all need to take control of our health, and this product is a powerful tool to help you do that. I was recently interviewed by MysticMag.com. If you want to get a quick overview of the work I do, check out the article here. https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-mary-crawford/ There are some other pretty cool interviews there that you might want to read as well. Thanks MysticMag for the opportunity to share my work. Millions of tons of plastic have been dumped into the global environment, breaking down into smaller particles and infiltrating living organisms on a cellular level. Humans now consume an average of 5 grams of plastic per month, equivalent to a credit card. A 2023 study found plastic nanoparticles in the testicles and semen of all tested men, which can penetrate protective barriers in the body, damaging the brain and male reproductive system. These plastics mimic estrogen, suppress testosterone, and act like sterilization drugs, causing sperm counts to drop. Human male sperm counts decreased by 62.3% between 1973 and 2018, partly due to plastic contamination. From 2014 to 2019, prostate cancer rates in the United States increased by 3% per year, and advanced-stage prostate cancer rates increased by about 5% per year. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2024, there will be about 299,010 new cases of prostate cancer and 35,250 deaths from the disease. According to a Lancet Commission, the number of people diagnosed with prostate cancer worldwide is expected to more than double from 1.4 million in 2020 to 2.9 million by 2040. I am not here to create fear! There is a solution, and I am so excited to share this with you. Please help all of the amazing men in your life to detox from these micro-plastics and so many other toxic chemicals and heavy metals. I'm happy to share what I know, or you can go here to read more. What the most current science tells us is, not only is everything energy at it's core, but all energy has Consciousness! So every cell in your body, wanted or unwanted, is pure conscious energy. In the work we do together, we communicate with all the cells and organisms in your body to help the good come back into perfect balance and harmony with the whole body and eliminate those not wanted or needed in the body. Sometimes the body can feel overwhelmed with low vibration or even harmful organisms that hinder the body's ability to return to homeostasis. This is where we can turn to Nature and science to assist us. I have 3 tools I love that can help us this way. You can find these special product at Mary's Apothecary. Step 1 - we want to assist the body in eliminating all toxic elements including heavy metals found in the air we breath, our water, even on our food. We also want to eliminate toxic chemicals used in fertilizer, pesticides, cleaning products, furniture, even our clothes. Once we have cleansed our body of these toxins and continue to keep it clean, then we go on to step two. I recommend a gift of nature called zeolite. This company has found a way to purify the safest form of zeolite that works like a magnet to capture and eliminate toxins from your body. Step 2 - now we want to help the body RE-Build from any damage caused by the ingested and inhaled toxins. This is so much easier when the body is clean. Your body has the amazing ability to heal itself, but as we age we start to lose some of our capacity to get the signals to the right places in a timely manner. That is where the Redox supplement comes in. It's a unique product that enhances cell signaling allowing our bodies to recharge and rebuild faster. Step 3 - now that our bodies are clean and healing faster, the final step is to replace toxic household items, clean the air we breathe and raise the frequency of our bodies so that they can continue to heal and thrive at the highest level. This is the job I give to essential oils. I have been using them for over 3 decades so I know how to find the safest and most effective oils and methods for using them. To learn more about the oils I use go here. This will also give you a 25% discount to get started. The energy work I do helps you remember the powerful creator you are by releasing old beliefs, attachments, ancestral energy, curses, and more. As you become stronger emotionally, your body can also thrive. I believe in using all the tools that nature has provided to make this whole process faster so we can get on with living our most joyful life. Do let me know if you want to know more about anything discussed here. You can email me at [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you. Sending Love and light ~ Mary Watch this movie to see the evidence of what Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) can do for you. This is why I use Tapping in my sessions with you. The words I use are guided by your Highest Self. The results can be amazing. Watch the movie and let me know how I can help you. much love, Mary
Mary CrawfordOver the last 30+ years I've been gathering tips to help my family live a healthier life. I'll share some of those here with you and welcome your ideas as well. Archives
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