​Access Consciousness® BARS
When Access first began in 1990, “The Bars” was all that was offered. To this day it remains the foundation and first building block of all of Access Consciousness.Access Bars has assisted tens of thousands of people change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more. At worst you will feel like you’ve just had a great massage and at best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease.
While you relax for 60 minutes or more, I will touch your head in spots that allow energy to move. You may feel a relaxing, floating sensation. Many people fall asleep during the session. Go here to learn more about BARS.
If you have questions or would like to schedule a session, please use the form below the video to contact me and I'll get back to you right away. Blessings ~ Mary Below are some experiences reported by Bars Practitioners. What would you like to change? Dear friends, 2 weeks ago, we learned that our father needed to have a bypass surgery. He made the decision to be operated on. Everything happened so fast. I performed an Access Bars process for him. The day of surgery well went, by this i mean really well. The surgery took about 3 hours which is normally 5-6 hours. His doctor told me that, for the first time in his professional life he performed the surgery 'that easy' without any complications. He even told me that during the surgery they didn't perform routine counter-measures against any kind of complication because it wasn't necessary. After that I gave him information about Access Bars. He went all tears. And he said, this surgery was the result of the Bars process. He is now willing to take Access Bars Training himself. Istanbul-Turkey Dr Ergün Demirsoy Heart and Vascular Surgery What else is possible ? Zerrin Cakirsoy Major depression medicated for 30 years gone in one session....
Another client with panic attacks so severe he couldn't leave home for 12 years completely gone w/ one session. Pretty darn life changing I'd say! Did a 20-minute session that included Bars and some body process and the lady left and came back to say that she had dropped her keys and bent down to pick them up before she realized that she hadn't been able to bend down like that in 15 years since an accident. One Lady who had been crying for a week after her Dad's death, who couldn't stop crying...STOPPED Crying. Another girl had had a headache for over a week and it was gone when she got off of the table...much to her Amazement & Joy!!! I had a client who had severe migraines that would land her in the ER call me with a migraine. Her family was just about to go on a road trip and couldn't come in to see me. So I just did verbal processing over the phone and her migraine was completely gone in just 10 min |
Access Consciousness en Español.
Testimonial: The day after my Bars session I clearly felt happy instead of sort of "status quo". I became lighter. Now, 4 days later, I'm noticing that the lens through which I've been looking at options in my life is much wider. In addition, little insights are slipping in. I'm more excited about the decisions in front of me.
Regina Golding, Massage and Other Healing Therapies www.reginagolding.com More Reviews of the BARS Process: "Get rid of Monkey Mind" " BARS for Anxiety and Stress" A scientific study by Dr. Terrie Hope PhD, DNM, CFMW published in the Journal of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment in November 2017 has revealed the results of one 90-minute Access BarsⓇ session indicating a significant decrease in the severity of depression and anxiety. By using brain mapping, (QEEG), and four standardized questionnaires with participants, Dr. Hope has discovered in her study that Access BarsⓇ reduced the severity of anxiety symptoms by 84.7%(average), and the severity of depression symptoms by 82.7% (average). The results from this scientific study suggest that Access Bars may be effective as a treatment for anxiety and depression. Dr. Hope is planning on more extensive research in the near future.
A client transformed from heavy and sad to joyful and giggles (that stayed for weeks)....when it stopped, his wife brought him back for more.
(Client who is a veteran with PTSD & survivors guilt - only survivor from his troop in Afghanistan.) Next day after he received the Bars his wife said he was happier than he's been in a long time. His day was not without upsets, yet he handled things completely different - and didn't get off center. The next time I was with them, she said he's a different man. He's cut his hair, shaved off his facial hair, and continues to get happier each day. All this from ONE session. I had a client lose so much weight so fast without changing anything right after just one Bars session. We did a lot of verbal processing. She went from 185 down to 135 in less than a month and has kept it off. She says that she is the healthiest she has ever been and at the lowest weight she has ever been after years of healthy eating, dieting and exercise. A marriage was saved from divorce and another quit smoking from just one session. Client went from total despair to making huge lasting life changes after one session. |